How our values affect our work and choice of careerWhat are ‘values’? Values are our beliefs about what is important to us in a particular context. In the context of our career or work for...
Psychometric Inventories for Finding Career DirectionPeople use various methods to help them find direction for their career such as a strengths-based approach, values-based approach, etc. I...
A Strengths-Based Approach to Career Direction FindingFinding Career Direction When trying to determine career direction, it is best to use multiple perspectives including psychometric...
When you feel you don’t “fit” or something is not quite right about workIt is not at all uncommon for people to feel that there is something not quite right about their career or their job. Perhaps it is a...
Finding Career DirectionThere are various approaches to finding career direction and each have their proponents and adversaries. Many career coaches favour a...
When your work lacks meaning and you feel there has to be something better than thisWhen work just doesn’t feel right! You wake up one morning and the thought of going to work fills you with dread! You ask yourself “why...